My Confidence Story

Confidence is vital for one’s success. I believe, the best part of parenting is cultivating confidence and providing opportunities to offspring. 

In the case of confidence, things are a bit different for me. I was a timid person until I joined the Intern-Preneur Development Program. Though I am not a very confident person now, I could cherish the improvements I have gone through. I was a true introvert with no confidence, no communication skills, no interpersonal skills. 

I heard about this program through my friend, Ananthu Aravind. He encouraged me to join this program to make a better version of myself. 

Initially, I thought this was not worth the money I spent, nothing unique and something like a classic personality development program I used with. 

I was wrong!

I understood the potential of the program after one week of joining. I was an over-conscious, shy person incapable of sharing my ideas because of ‘what-others-may-think’ fear. I was not capable of speaking something in public even on online platforms due to this classic fear.

I failed to attend the session properly initially, after one-on-one sessions, I was wondering about the changes I have gone through. 

It was unbelievable! 

Our team leader, Ananthu Vasudev helped a lot to make this possible. I am always thankful for the support. He taught me to break my comfort zones. ‘Breaking the comfort zone’ is the simple policy I followed. I started to notice that I am gaining confidence and my communication skills have improved. Yes, I became smarter. 

At last, I am out of ‘what-others-may-think’ fear, and I reflect my thoughts confidently. This is what I would like to achieve for many years. I am blessed to be part of the Evolvers Family as well! They encourage me every single time. They helped me to knock my inhibitions. This is what I felt special about. I never experienced such an improvement or change any time before, tried many courses or training programs. 

Like my friend said, Evolvers made me a better version of myself and a better professional!

Shwetha Sajeev

(@Shwetha attended the second batch of Intern-preneur Development Program and later joined The Evolvers Project as an intern.)

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